Monday, June 2, 2008

Phil 4.4

For those of you who haven’t gotten my emails, here’s the latest on Steven and brief re-cap of what’s going on out here. I haven’t had the greatest internet access lately so haven’t been able to keep this blog as updated as I’d like…

Well, it looks like things are at a standstill for getting Steven to the States. For now. The US Embassy absolutely will not grant him a medical visa until we have proof that the costs of his medical expenses are covered. This means we'll either the hospital will have to waive his fees or we need to wait until the funds are raised. Despite the frustrations of the past couple weeks, to have gone through so much work only to have this door closed, I believe God has to have had a bigger plan here. This does give us some more time to pursue leads on other hospitals that may be able to do the surgery for free or offer us a much reduced rate. Steven and his mother, Janice, will be staying in the room we've rented for them next door to the mission for awhile longer so someone can continue to see him everyday and be able to get him help if he gets any worse, but he does appear stable at the moment.

In a few hours, I'll be driving down the mountain to Cayes with the family I've been staying with. The Bustins will be heading to the States for two months and I'll fly into Port au Prince and spend a few days at an orphanage until my cousin Chip joins me, then we'll fly to Cayes and work at an orphanage there, doing VBS-type activities with the kids. After that, we'll head home on June 16.

I'm faced with mixed emotions thinking about leaving this mountain. It'll be a nice change of pace to be back in a larger area but it's so hard to think about leaving the many wonderful people I've gotten to share in the lives of out here. I've also grown a lot in the area of healthcare working out here, I even put my first sutures in yesterday! (I think I put on a pretty calm front for the patient, but inside I'll admit I was just about ready to freak out.) I have to admit though, I am looking forward to being able to walk in public without people coming up to me saying, "Mis Estefany, souple bay mwen ti cado gren pou..." or "Nurse Stephanie, please give me a little gift of a pill for...(insert anything under the sun here from 'pain' to 'help my baby to start walking')". Every day after I've finished working and am heading back to the house, during that 3 minute walk about 8 people will come up to me asking for something. It's interesting, they'll sit for hours in the mission yard, not saying anything while I work with other patients. I'll even purposefully wait outside the pharmacy for a few minutes before closing up to give anyone a last chance to ask me for something, but there is always a group of people who waits until I close up and head home to make their needs known. I've learned to only keep a small amount of money in my pocket because whatever I have I won't be able to resist giving it away when people ask people ask me for money, especially when it's kids asking for money for food. The mission is able to do a lot, but it's hard when we have a whole mountain full of people with hunger pangs that I can't even imagine, and not being able to feed them all. RaeLeen's had a tough week because she got an email a couple days ago saying that the lady who's been giving the $2,000 needed each month to provide a hot meal everyday for the 300 children on the nutritional program is no longer able to continue to support the program. There is enough food left for about 2 and a half weeks. This program has made a huge difference in the community, the villagers remark that there are hardly ever funerals for children anymore now, when they used to be so common place. As many verses as there are in the Bible about feeding the hungry, I believe this work is very dear to God's heart and as He's been the one making provision for it all along, I look forward to seeing how He will provide next. "Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as non. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring." Isaiah 58.10-11.

Have a wonderful week!

"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--rejoice!" Phil 4.4

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