Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to the Mountain

I had to do some follow-up with a couple patients back on the mountain, so on Monday Chip and I found a ride with a friend who is part owner of a camionette (MACK truck used for transport). Fortunately, we were able to sit up in the cab of the truck so the ride was actually more comfortable than other treks I’ve made up the mountain sitting in the back of SUVs in the past. Other than one minor break down and a fight that broke out amongst a few passengers, the trip was pretty smooth. Once again, Chip impressed me with his willingness to go along with the whole Haiti experience.

It was wonderful to be on the mountain again. Things weren’t the same without the Bustin family, but it was so good to get to spend a little more time with everyone up there. We packed a lot into a couple short days!
It was a blast getting to see the kids again. We brought a few gifts with us for the 10 kids who live at the mission and they had a lot of fun, especially with the bubbles! Natasha, one of the 10 kids, invited us to her grandmother's house and we spent a little time visiting with her as she prepared the evening meal.At another friend's house, we were offered some sugar cane and Chip got to hone his skills with a machete.

The neighborhood girls have started their own soccer team. While the bigger girls played on the field, some of the younger kids caught tadpoles.

Thanks to a generous donation, there is enough money to keep the feeding program going for the next month! It's pretty amazing seeing these kids enjoy full bellies when it's not uncommon for kids here to wake up hungry and go to sleep just as hungry. We're so grateful for God's provision! These are some of the ladies who prepare the food for 300 children 6 days a week. They show up at 7am, work at preparing the food until the meals are served at around noon, and stay until about 4pm cleaning up. The camera wasn't blurry here, the area they work in is just incredibly smoky because of all the cooking fires.

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