Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Steven in the States

I'm so happy to share these pictures of Steven here in the States! After traveling nearly 24 hours, Steven and I arrived at the Los Angeles airport at 2:15AM Sunday morning. Steven was a total angel while we traveled. The little guy was just so happy and content to be held, and he spent over half the time sleeping. We were met at the airport by my sister Jana and the family who will be taking care of Steven for the next several months as he goes through all of his medical treatment (actually, all but one member of the family, their oldest daughter is on a missions trip to Germany right now).
Steven loves his new family and they are just so sweet with him. In preparation for Steven's arrival, Ted (the father) sewed a special pillow for Steven's car seat so that he could sit in it without putting any pressure on the 'bump' on his back caused by the spina bifida. It seems to work great and Steven enjoyed riding in a car seat for the first time.

Here's my sister Jana meeting Steven for the first time. She's done so much work to make getting him here possible and has been involved nearly since the beginning. Below, is Steven getting to know Fayanna, and me after a long day of travel. :)

Yesterday Steven had his first appointment at UCLA. He will have an MRI in a few days in preparation for the surgery, but the doctor yesterday said that he looks pretty good overall and hopefully will not have many long-term problems with walking.

I spoke to some friends in Haiti on Monday and got an update on Steven's mother. She has moved back home to her village to live with her family again (we had been renting her a room near the mission to be able to take care of Steven for the past 3 1/2 months, as her village is a good 8 hour walk away). She seems to be doing much better. Hopefully it'll be good for her to be able to start building her life back up again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!!
Love you,