Saturday, November 1, 2008

at home in Texas

I've been at my new place in San Antonio for two weeks now. So far I really like it. Work at the new hospital is going pretty well and I really like my apartment, but the best part has been being so close to family that I normally only get to see about once a year. On days off I've enjoyed getting to hang out with them for dinners or whatever. Most of my cousins live about 20-30 minutes from me and my aunt and uncle's ranch is about 45 minutes away. Last weekend, my mom and dad were able to come out to visit and we spent the weekend at the lake with my aunt and uncle, cousins, cousins' kids and grandma. It was such a treat. I wish I'd taken more pictures, but here's some of what I did take: Some of the kids (big and little) playing a game of football in the front yard.Dad with Dakota (below). Diane with her newest baby, Hudson. For those of you who have been wanting to know more about where I live and asking to see pictures...I live in an apartment complex in San Antonio's medical center. I like the area and there are several nice hospitals close by, but my hospital is actually located downtown, about 15 minutes from here. Here's some pics of my place:


Anonymous said...

what a neat place! congrats!

Anonymous said...

So fun to see where you live - we're excited to see all that God has in store for you!
John and Kristi McCormick

Ashlie said...

man, your cousins are adorable! and your place is cute! is it furnished or did you bring all the furniture and such? glad you are liking your new job! I miss you!