Monday, April 28, 2008


Last Thursday I received surprise visit from my brother Scott, my cousin Josh, Uncle John and friend Etienne! About 4:30 in the afternoon when this white Land Cruiser pulls onto the mission property, I thought I recognized it as being one of Harvest's vehicles so I was watching to see who was in it. At first all I saw was a Haitian in the drivers' seat, but then when Pastor Etienne pulled up and gave me a bag of Goldfish I thought it was pretty strange and noticed a white arm in the back seat...still totally clueless I asked Etienne where in the world he had gotten Goldfish in Haiti (I didn't think anything was TOO strange about him bringing me Goldfish because he knows I love them and I always bring it for his daughters when I visit...I just thought it was super random) and wondered what team he had with him. I thought it was strange that they weren't sitting up to see us, hearing English voices in the middle of nowhere. I was FLOORED to see Scott, Josh and Uncle John hiding in the back seat. Especially Scott, for some reason my mind just couldn't reconcile to seeing him in Haiti! I can't believe everyone was able to keep this a secret! RaeLeen did an amazing job of preparing the house for visitors without my being any the wiser. Her kids and household staff didn't even know until a couple hours before the guys showed up because she was worried about my hearing them talking! But even if I had heard someone talking and was able to understand a little of it in Creole, I never would have assumed that they were coming. RaeLeen was great, she and her girls had come down to where I was hanging out with the kids. She knew I was about to head out to change Baby Steven's dressing and did a great job stalling me from leaving until the Land Cruiser rolled up the drive!We all left a little while later to visit Steven and we made such a spectacle walking down the road, half the kids from around here followed us! I think that most of the neighborhood is used to me walking around, so, while they watch me, they don't make a big deal about it usually anymore, but a group of Americans (especially with such big guys) is always sure to draw attention. Janice, Steven's mom, is often pretty shy around me so I wondered what was going through her mind as our little group trooped up to her house! Scott has pictures from when he held Steven. It was amazing seeing Scott's huge hand compared to Steven's tiny little body!

1 comment:

Ashlie said...

that's awesome that your bro came for a surprise visit! Looks like you had loads of fun w/ him and your uncle and such! Only about a month left now eh? that's crazy! enjoy the last little bit! =)